veTHE Guide

How to create a veTHE position, How to vote and earn, Voting FAQ and How to collect rewards

How to create a veTHE position?

  1. Navigate to Lock: From ‘Dashboard’ , navigate to ‘Lock’ and click on ‘Get veTHE’. Alternatively, you can follow this link:

  1. Create a Lock: You will now see this on your screen

  1. Select Amount and Duration: Choose how much $THE to lock and for how long. Longer durations grant more voting power. A higher voting power in turn grants you a larger share of revenue.

  1. Confirm Lock: Click on ‘Create New Lock’ and sign the series of transactions with your wallet.

  1. After the transactions are complete, you can view your new veTHE position under ‘Dashboard’ → ‘Lock’.

How to vote and earn with veTHE?

  1. Navigate to vote: You can do so by heading to ‘Dashboard’ --> ‘Vote’. Alternative, you can follow this link:

  1. Choose Pool(s): You can view the different pools with their corresponding reward amount and voting APR. You can hover over the rewards to see the tokens you will receive rewards in if you vote for the pool. Note that reward amount and voting APR is not final until the end of the Epoch.

  1. Vote: You can vote for multiple pools with one veTHE position. For demonstration purposes, we will split our votes between liveTHE/THE and SOL/BNB pool in a 77%/23% split. Once you have allocated your votes, Click vote to proceed.

  1. Confirm vote: Sign the series of transactions with your wallet

  1. Congratulations, you have completed your first weekly voting! Remember to vote again next Epoch!

Voting FAQ

How should I choose the best pool to vote for?

While there is no clear guideline on which pools are the best, here are some factors you can consider when choosing the best pool to vote for.

APR (Annual Percentage Rate): A primary factor is the APR offered by the pool. Generally, a higher APR translates to greater rewards, assuming other factors remain constant.

Reward tokens: Since you can only claim your voting rewards after the next Epoch ends, the value of your rewards might fluctuate within this period. Risk-averse voters might find voting for stablecoin or majors cryptocurrency pools more attractive, placing less emphasis on the pool’s APR.

Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) Strategy: If you aim to accumulate a specific cryptocurrency, consider voting for pools that align with this strategy. For instance, if you're accumulating DOGE, consistently voting for a DOGE/BNB pool ensures a steady inflow of DOGE as rewards.

Total Rewards in Pool: Consider the total rewards available in the pool and the number of votes it receives. For those with significant voting power or when voting in pools with limited total rewards, it’s crucial to consider the potential dilution effect from your votes. Voting in pools with a larger reward pool may mitigate this dilution.

When is the best time to vote?

The best time to vote is near the end of the Epoch. This is when the rewards estimate is the most accurate and most protocols have deposited their voting incentives. As such, the voting APR is the most accurate and you can make the best choices!

However, to avoid missing the voting period, you can also choose to vote earlier.

Why should I extend my lock?

Your voting power correlates with the remaining duration of your token lock.

Consider a hypothetical scenario where you earned $500 from voting with a one-year lock. Had you extended your lock to maintain the two-year duration, your voting power would have remained higher, and you could have earnt more.

How do I minimize my gas fees used?

We will soon be introducing cross-chain voting, where you can vote for opBNB and other upcoming network with almost zero gas-fees, allowing those with smaller veTHE positions to take part in weekly voting effectively.

You can also accumulate rewards from many voting Epochs to collect at once in order to save on gas fees.

How to collect rewards?

There are two parts of your rewards – rebase and the rewards that you voted for.

  1. Rebase rewards: You can claim your rebase immediately after the current Epoch ends (n+1 Epochs).

  1. Voting rewards: You can claim your voting rewards after the next Epoch ends (n+2 Epochs).

Last updated