Swap Guide
How to execute your first transaction in THENA
Prerequisites: Ensure you have a Web3-enabled browser and sufficient balance in your wallet to cover both the swap amount and gas fees.
Navigating to Swap: Navigate to ‘Swap’ on the upper left corner of thena.fi, and click ‘Spot Trade’. Alternatively, you can follow this link: https://thena.fi/swap.
Choose Chain: Choose the blockchain network that you want to interact with. Make sure your wallet is set to the same network. Here we use ‘BNB Chain’ to demonstrate.
Connect your Wallet: Connect your wallet by clicking the ‘Connect Wallet’ button in the upper right corner of the site. Here we use ‘Binance Web3 Wallet’. For an in depth guide on how to set up Binance Web3 Wallet, you can refer to https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/what-is-binance-web3-wallet-and-how-does-it-work
Select token: Choose the token pair you wish to make a swap on. As an example, we will swap from WBNB to THE.
Enter token swap quantity: Enter the amount of token you would like to swap.
Review your transaction
Swap and confirm: Click ‘Swap’ and confirm the transaction from your wallet.
After the transaction is confirmed, your swap is complete. You can now check your balance in your wallet.
Last updated