Trading Competition Guide

how to create a trading competition

Create Trading Competitions

  • Connect your wallet

  • If you're authorized to create a trading competition, you'll find a "Create Trading Competition" button on the main competitions page.

Step 1: Competition Details:

Fill in the name of your trading competition & its description. Hit the next button once you’re done.

Step 2: Participant Limits and Registration Timing:

  • Set Maximum Participants: Control how many users can enter your competition. The current maximum limit is 1,000 participants.

  • Registration Period: Choose the start and end dates and times. Remember, registration should conclude before the competition starts.

  • Time Limitations:

    • Minimum Registration Duration: At least 1 hour.

    • Maximum Registration Duration: No more than 1 week.

    • Minimum Competition Duration: At least 1 hour.

    • Maximum Competition Duration: Up to 4 weeks (28 days).

  • After setting these times, define the precise start and end dates and times for the trading period. Participants can trade only within this timeframe. Click 'Next' to continue.

Step 3: Competition Type and Tradable Tokens:

  • Select Competition Type: Choose between spot or perpetuals.

  • Tradable Tokens: Select at least two tokens for trading. The more tokens you choose, the more dynamic the competition.

  • Winning Token: This is the token used for entry fees and the prize pool. You can also add your host contribution in this token.

  • Optional Settings:

    • Entry Fee: Participants' fees contribute to the prize pool.

    • Required Deposit: Set a deposit amount that participants use as their starting balance. Note: Additional deposits are not allowed once the competition begins.

    • Host Contribution: Optionally, add to the prize pool at the competition's creation.

  • Click 'Next' after these selections.

Step 4: Prize Distribution:

Set Prize Distribution: You may keep up to 25% of the total prize pool. The rest is distributed among top placements.

Final Step: Preview and Create:

Preview your competition setup. If satisfied, click 'Create'. Note the fixed creation fee displayed above the button. Once created, you'll be directed to your competition's page for sharing.

Last updated